Latest Episodes

These Doctors Still Make House Calls
With health-care costs soaring, learn easy, inexpensive tips for reducing illness, improving mental and physical health, and lowering your risk for overweight and chronic...

Finding Peace
Discover four vital elements of stress protection, mental health, and spiritual vitality. Applying them will help you flourish instead of flounder as you face...

Engineered for Success
Whether you have been hit with a storm of stress, depression, or have lived with bad circumstances or poor choices, you are made to...

Lifestyle Links for Healthy Blood Pressure
150 million Americans suffer from high or elevated blood pressure. The ABC’s of healthy blood pressure will give you the plan and the power...

Digestion, A Churning Question
Want to reduce indigestion, irritable bowel, and risk for inflammatory bowel diseases and gut cancer? Digestion: A Churning Question presents simple, practical principles of...

The Vegetarian Edge
How can a vegetarian diet help you beat chronic disease, boost mental function, and build maximum nutrition into your food budget? The Vegetarian Edge...